Z-Power. Young people back to the movies is a free initiative promoted by a network of Italian cinemas with the support of Europa Cinémas – Creative Europe-Media-Sub Programme in the framework of the Collaborate to Innovate Programme. The network comprises a network of 12 cinemas in 11 cities in 4 Italian regions. The project is aimed at audiences between 9 and 23 years old.
Z-Power. Young people back to the movies aims to bring young people closer to the art and culture of film, to develop their audiovisual skills and competences, and to help them acquire more refined tools to appreciate quality European films, in cinema theatres.
Z-Power. Young people back to the movies is focused on the participation of a group of young spectators (Young Programmers) in the programming and management of the adhering theatres, involving them in the planning, organisation and realisation of a curated film programme that will take place in each of the participating theatres in the spring of 2022. The Young Programmers of each cinema work together to decide on the films to be screened, selecting them from a catalogue of 12 quality European titles, prepare the accompanying materials, devise innovative communication strategies and finally introduce the film to the audience.
Area Metropolis 2.0
PadernoDugnano (MI) silvia.pareti@cinetecamilano.it
Capitol Multisala
Bergamo (BG)
Cinema Astoria Lerici
Lerici (SP)
Cinema Edera
Treviso (TV)
Cinema Garibaldi Carrara
Carrara (MS)
Cinema Mignon
Chiavari (GE)
Cinema Nuovo
Varese (VA)
Cinema Palestrina
Milano (MI)
Cinema Rondinella
Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
Il Cinemino/Associazione Seiseneca
Milano (MI)
Il Nuovo La Spezia Monosala
La Spezia (SP)
Multisala Ariston
Mantova (MN)